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A little about me

What am i doing? This seems a little over my head...

I have very little programming experience (Basic and Turbo Pascal). Suffice to say these languages were great for their time (i.e. the 80's) but literally not translatable to today's coding. But what I can bring forward is a basic understanding of how coding works as a concept.

Following that (many years later) my passion for aviation led me to flight simulator. Where, after some time, I started to make modifications to aircraft. This re-sparked my interest in programming so I taught myself XML: flight simulator language.

While many argue XML isn't a 'real' programming language, what it did allow me to do was to make several aircraft and scenery add-on's. Many of which are still available for free download today.

Making an add-on is one thing, but why make a complete game?

Because I can. I mean, I know it's possible. I know a little about programming. How hard can it be, right?

Really hard.

But there are some tools I've found that can make it a little easier. One of them is Game Maker, another is Unity, then there's unreal engine etc. Although each has it's limitations, pro's and con's, i need to access what style of game this is going to be. I think for what i need; a top-down turtle game Game Maker might be best. I'll only know with more research.

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