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Pre-code & asset flipping

Well, well. Pre-code.

lets talk about what I've just decided to call, Pre-code. I'm calling it this because of, well, it's purpose. You see, there are certain type of code that, for the most part, most people will need. Such as, lets say, keyboard movement controls... or a health bar... or a scoring system. The thing is, there are many ways to write these codes. So if you start coding for the first time, the question arises, "how do i do that?".

Fortunately, Yoyo Games have a 'market place'. In this market place there is a code section. In this code section there are pre-codes, that is to say, codes that have been written for you. This way some of the more mundane coding can be avoided (e.g. movement). ...And most of these pre-code just happen to be free. Well, well.

WHY DIDN'T SOMEBODY TELL ME THIS!!!! At least that's what i first thought when i found them. Using them, said my emotions, would have saved me hours and hours of learning code and writing code. However the fact is.... not necessarily.

I quickly reminded myself two very good points. 1) The game I'm making is different in a lot of ways to other games. So standard pre-codes aren't really useful for what i require. and B) By learning how to write these myself, i now know a LOT more than i would have otherwise and changing the code where and how i need is a breeze.

Well, well. Asset Flipping

I don't do it but I had never heard of this term until greenlight...

But maybe the stigma attached to it is a little unfounded or over exaggerated?

This may come as a shock but yes, there are 'good' and 'bad' asset flippers.

The bad we all know about. Buy assets, make a bad game, try to sell said game for $. We've all seen it. It sucks. It sucks the life from the gaming industry and give indie devs a bad name.

But there is a good side too. There are some very talented people making grate games who aren't artists. Many of whom can't afford to pay a pro to make sprites. So why shouldn't they be able to buy assets? Remember also, someone has to make these assets. Normally these are artists who can't code but want in on being a game dev. Fair enough I say. They are entitled to express their talent in that way and I'm glad there is an avenue for them to do so.

Just making the point of... Don't be a gimp. Don't be quick to judge a game for it. Play the game first. If its good, and you enjoy the experience, who cares about flipping. If you feel so inclined, let that game dev know that you know they flipped, but that you don't care because it was fun anyway.

Fun is the whole point.

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